Tuesday 1 April 2008

A Racist in our Midst!

Poor Old Rob Dix, apparently the charge has more “stick” than a Teflon frying pan. That can only mean he’s kicked out of the Labour Party, and if he does the honest thing, a bye election will follow his expulsion (he is currently suspended).

However, what of the other players?

Deputy Council Leader Ian Malcolm comes out of the whole affair covered in the brown stuff. He tried to keep it quite, but a certain Gazette reporter D. MacLean got his teeth into it, and that was the cover up broken!

Labour has been engaged in a series of “spin” meetings at least since the weekend, but couldn’t come up with a suitable excuse for their racist member!

Sadly, David Miliband MP was unaware of the impending scandal, and when he found out (no doubt via the full page spread his constituency news paper put out in his home town) the flak was so bad that diplomatic relations between said Foreign Secretary and Deputy Leader of South Tyneside Council now resemble the governments relationship with Zimbabwe i.e. they are as frosty as the Antarctic.

Let’s not forget that Mr Miliband was parachuted into the region to curb the excesses of “Malcolm in the Diddle”.

Said “I” Malcolm may have “diddled” too far.

With WAGGGOTTT on the rocks, the Council’s Deputy Leader has been to slow to tackle the problem of racists in his own ranks.

I also note the lack of coverage of the issue by local South Tyneside bloggers.

Hang your heads in shame boys, and don’t resort to the “innocent until till charged” defence. By then it will be too late.

You’re all as guilty for not commenting on the issue. What will you do when Dix presents himself in court in May! Ignore it?

What’s the matter Mr Rigg, the time stands at 12.34 p.m and the Borough has a racist in its midst. Surely your copy of the Gazette has arrived by now – or perhaps the Labour grape vine has stopped you from commenting.

“What is multiculturalism?”

Clearly Rob Dix doesn’t know, and neither do you lot at the Labour Party!


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